28 Jul Tilt Parenting Podcast : Navigating the Neuropsych Evaluation Process with Dr. Nazar Biesman
What is a Neuropsych Evaluation? Dr. Jonine Nazar-Biesman on Navigating & Learning From Assessments
Do you have a true understanding of what a neuropsych evaluation is? I know the assessment process can be daunting and complicated to navigate, especially in recent years as a result of Covid, so I’m excited to share my conversation with pediatric and adolescent young adult neuropsychologist, Dr. Jonine Nazar-Biesman. As you’ll hear, Jonine’s work is about taking into consideration the whole child and the big picture when assessments are being done.
In our conversation, we talk about what parents should think about when vetting psychologists to assess their child, the difference between a neuropsych, a psychoeducational, and a psychological evaluation, and how parents can navigate getting a better assessment if they believe their child got the wrong diagnosis. We also talked about what to do with all the feedback parents get from a neuropsych evaluation and how that feedback can best be relayed to our kids, and to their schools.
Find the full podcast here: https://tiltparenting.com/2022/07/26/what-is-a-neuropsych-evaluation/